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Hyperglycaemia (High Blood Sugar)

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The Importance of an Accurate Diagnosis

Getting the right diagnosis is the key for treatment of any disease.

Before you start any form of treatment, you need to know what is wrong and the kind of disease you are suffering from, to be sure that you are being treated for the right condition. For instance: If you are getting regular chronic headaches or other symptoms that you suspect could be migraine, it is very important to see a doctor and get a proper diagnosis because many conditions that might cause regular chronic headaches like inflammation or other problems with the blood vessels inside around the brain, stroke, infections, intracranial pressure that is either too high or too low, etc.

Proper diagnosis of your symptoms can: Give reassurance that the headaches or other symptoms may not be migraine as you suspected.

A confirmed diagnosis of what causes the headaches or other symptoms is essential to ensure timely and the most effective TREATMENT to avoid further occurrences that may lead to devastating state. The foundation on which effective treatment can be realized is unabridged diagnosis!

As a holistic health company, Vine-Health Paramedic Services takes thorough diagnostic tests very seriously in order to ascertain the root cause of a particular ailment. This is because at Vine-Health, it’s one of our philosophies that regardless of status, occupation, religion, age & gender, no health issue is child’s play! So a physical examination at regular intervals, depending on your age, medical history, etc., is considered very important! In all, we run a complete diagnostic test on our clients and give a comprehensive report of the analyzed results.

We have an assortment of advanced state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment within our reach, with which we carry out the most elaborate of diagnostic test that can only compare to what is obtainable in developed worlds.

Well the main reasons for these are not far-fetched – haphazard diagnosis and same-of-the-same treatment method. Vine-Health has painstakingly understudied the basics of true-wellness and come up with two solutions – in the area of diagnosis and treatment method using holistic approach.

Consequences of a wrong diagnosis

A diagnostic error may result in the patient being denied timely and effective treatment, or being administered possibility toxic wrong medications that may lead to complications or death. Where a prompt treatment could have returned the patient to full health, the consequences of a wrong diagnosis can be devastating.

We are dedicated to helping people restore their health, and prevent unnecessary degeneration, through the most advance technology today. So please subscribe to this channel to stay healthy. Your health is our priority