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Cervical Dystonia

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Ayurvedic Treatment of Cervical Dystonia

About Cervical Dystonia

Cervical dystonia is defined as the painful situation, where the muscle near the neck region contracts involuntarily. It causes the head to turn and twist to one particular side. It can also lead to an uncontrollable tilt in both backward and forward direction. This situation is also known as the spasmodic torticollis. This is a rare disorder. This may occur anytime and at any age, especially in women of middle age. Symptoms tend to start off very gradually. It, then reaches the worst point.

Several conditions may occur in cervical dystonia. These are twisting and turning the ear to the shoulder, chin to the shoulder, chin straight up and down. Of these, the most common one is when the chin gets pulled to the shoulder. Also, a lot of various combos of abnormal postures of head or jerking motion may result due to this painful disorder. Patients facing the problem may often get pain in the neck region radiating towards the shoulders. This often leads to headaches, which are exhausting.

Causes of Cervical Dystonia

In many cases, this injury is associated with head, shoulder or neck injuries. Also, there are certain anti-psychotic drugs, which lead to this disorder as well. This disorder is most likely to occur in women and also in the age between 40 to70. These symptoms also sometimes appear in the face and shoulder region. Also, it may result in depression.

The common causes are the following:

  • Brain trauma
  • Tumour
  • Stroke
  • Reactions on exposure to drugs
  • Infections
  • Poisoning due to carbon monoxide or lead

Major Symptoms of Cervical Dystonia

Some major symptoms of this painful disorder are the following:

  • Cramps in the legs
  • Neck pull involuntarily
  • Blinking of the eyes in uncontrolled manner
  • Difficulties in speech
  • Dragging of legs
  • Fatigue
  • Exhaustion
  • Stress
  • Pain

Ayurvedic Perspective

In Ayurveda Cervical dystonia can be compared to Manya stambh in which there is stiffness in neck region and vata is considered responsible for this condition.