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Herbal Remedies for Anxiety

About Anxiety

Anxiety refers to an emotional disorder followed by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and it includes physical changes like increase in blood pressure. This problem can further give rise to depression.

Types of Anxiety

  1. Generalized anxiety disorder: This type of anxiety is long lasting in which a person worries about non specific life events, objects and situations.
  2. Panic disorders: These are the brief and sudden panic attacks which can lead to characteristics such as shaking, confusion, dizziness, nausea and breathing difficulties. These are a result of some frightening experiences
  3. Phobia: Phobia arises out of anxiety and is different from other anxiety disorders. In this the fear may be unnecessary but the person is unable to control anxiety.
  4. Social anxiety disorder: In this a person fears from opening up in from of other people or society due to the fact that he will be negatively judged by the people. As a result people avoid public situations and human contact to the point that everyday living is rendered extremely difficult.
  5. Obsessive compulsive disorder: In this type of disorder, people are obsessed with cleanliness; keep on checking the locks or light switches.
  6. Post-traumatic stress disorder: This type of anxiety is due to flashbacks of any trauma, sexual assault or a serious accident. In this people may often change their behavior to avoid the triggers.
  7. Separation anxiety disorder: This is due to feeling of separation from a person or place that leads to anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Improper sleep
  • Muscle tension
  • Chronic indigestion
  • Stage fear
  • Self consciousness
  • Panic
  • Flashbacks
  • Perfectionism
  • Compulsive behavior
  • Self-doubt

Prevention of Anxiety

  • Regular sleep pattern can help reduce anxiety.
  • Intake of coffee or tea, or chocolate
  • Alcohol and cannabis should be avoided
  • Maintaining healthy diet.

So, these are some of the tips that can help in prevention of anxiety. Yoga or meditation should be included in daily routine so as to keep the mind stress free.