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Ayurvedic Treatment of Amenorrhea


Modern lifestyle has thousands of advantages and makes life very easier and comfortable. New inventions in every field makes life very easy and physical activities are none. Intake of fast food and lack of physical activities leads to physical, mental and hormonal problems. 60-70% people are more prone to hormonal disorders. Amenorrhea, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome are some common example of hormonal imbalance. Every normal female menstruate every 23 to 35 day and when a childbearing women fails to menstruates this condition is called amenorrhea. Hypothalamus part of brain regulates menstrual cycle.

Hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland and pituitary gland secretes luteinizing hormones and follicle stimulating hormones. Both hormones regulate female reproductive system. FSH and LH have great hold on estrogen and progesterone and control the cyclic changes in uterus lining. All this leads to menstrual cycle. A women is menstruating normally it means her anatomy of cervix and vagina has normal anatomy and her hormones secreting glands are properly functioning.

Ayurvedic Aspect of Amenorrhea

In ayurveda amenorrhea is named as Anartava. The sanskrit meaning of amenorrhea in charak samhita is NASHA-RAKTA, with nasha means loss or missing and rakta meaning blood. According to Charak women is suffering from diseases due to aggravated vayu. Aggravated vayu is responsible for the vishamta of doshas. Amenorrhea is a disease due to vata but other doshas can also cause it. Both vata and pitta can play a role in amenorrhea but the most common factor responsible for disease is vata.

Dry skin, weight loss, dry hairs, constipation and anxiety are the most common symptoms of amenorrhea. Vata accumulated in the body and relocated in purishvaha srota. After this overflows to rasa and rakta vaha srota and it relocates deeply into rasa dhatu and then it moves medas and shukar dhatu. Dryness of body and absence of menstruation cycle is due to the relocation of rasa dhatu. Weight loss of the body is a result of relocation of medas dhatu. Shukra dhatu inhibits the ovulation process in human body .Diverted mind due to vata results in anxiety. Constipation is caused by the relocation of apana vayu in purishvaha srota.

Types of Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is classified into two types:-

1. Primary amenorrhea

Normally women menstruates first at the age of 15 and 16 and women fails to menstruate at this age this condition is called primary amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea is most often due to late puberty.

2. Secondary amenorrhea

Women experience menstruation periods, but stop menstruating for two and three months.

Following reasons cause secondary amenorrhea:-

  • Pregnancy
  • Emotional Stress
  • Mental Stress
  • Weight Loss
  • Menopause
  • Excessive Exercise
  • Birth Control Measures (Birth Control Pills)
  • Ovarian Tumors
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Menopause before Age Of 40
  • Hysterectomy
  • Tumors of Pituitary Gland
  • Drug Induced (Chemotherapy)
  • Overactive Thyroid Gland
  • Brain Tumors

Symptoms of Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is a symptom in itself and in addition to have no menstruation other symptoms are given below:-

  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Acne
  • Weight Gain
  • Weight Loss
  • Breast Size Changes
  • Hair Growth in A Male Pattern
  • Voice Changes
  • Discharge from the Breast
  • Excess Body and Facial Hairs
  • Altered Sex Drives
  • Constipation
  • Skin Dryness
  • Hypersensitivity to Cold