Ayurveda, the science of life, has peculiar fundamental principles; Ayu is normally referred to as Chetananvrutti, which can be defined as a continuity of life. Until or unless the human body is with consciousness (Chetana or Atma), it is assumed to be in the state of living. Ayurveda teaches us that treatment is only possible when the human body is on the conscious state. This clearly proves that there must be some factor which is pervading all parts of the human body when it is in the state of consciousness.
According to Yoga and Ayurveda theory, physical body, mind and soul re-essential components of the human body. The core philosophical point is that the body and the mind are nothing but one and the same. It is not possible to achieve physical and mental health without spiritual, mental and emotional health. The blend of Ayurvedic and Yoga sciences provide us a health related to natural healing, which has curative as well as preventive aspects of the diseases.
Etymological Derivation
Atma originates from the “A” dhatu, which means presence all over and remains in mobile. The Atma is considered to be Nirantara, which means it is eternal fore or subject which is continuous.
The Four Characteristics Features of Atma are as Follows
- It has the power to spread all over the universe.
- It has the capability of moulding all the things into its existence.
- Atma has connection with deeds of the previous birth.
- Atma is definitely eternal.
- Atma is omnipresent.
Heart in Ayurveda
According to the Ayurveda metaphysics, ten channels of biological significance are attached to the heart. The synonyms of the heart include, Mahat (big), which signifies great importance. Shadanga, Vijnana, Indriya Indriya Artha, Atma and Atma guna all located in the heart.
The Atma is immortal and free from the circle of life and death. That is the reason Atma is known as Ajara or Anadi and Nitya. During the time of coitus (sexual intercourse), the seminal fluid in vagina the Atma also enters. Heart (Hryyda) is the driving seat of the Atma. The soul resides in the heart and brain, which is responsible for knowledge.
- Health Definition In Ayurveda An individual having balance between three biological humours (Dosha), metabolic fire (Agni), tissues (Dhatu), waste products (Mala), the soul (Atma), sensory organs (Indriya) and the mind (Mana) is known to be healthy.Ayurveda, not only take care of physical part of the life alone, but it goes deeper into analysis of spiritual part also. This is sufficient to explain the purpose of Ayurvedic system of medicine. Charak clearly mentions that Ayurveda is the science dealing with what is useful or harmful un-pleasurable or pleasurable for life.
The human life is a mobile, mortal configuration of the physical body, soul (Atma) and the mind (Mana), which is better defined as the metaphysical and physical aspects. The inseparable combination of distinct forces, soul (Atma) and the mind (Mana), starts the process of life.
It has been postulated that as long as the bond of soul (Atma) and the mind (Mana or Jeevatma) remains intact, the physiological and biological pathways function properly and it represents the life. As soon as Jeevatma ceases from the relationship with the Atma, the consequence is death.
When the life is resigned, combination of the physical body, sensory-organs, soul and the mind again form a bond. The physical components of the body include the three biological humours, seven tissues, metabolic fire or Agni and the waste products. The metaphysical parts include the mind, the soul, elemental forces, more precisely known as Tanmatras. When the physical and metaphysical components reunite and work as a cohesive force, we call it as physical and mental harmony or better the state of health.
Karan and Karana Dravya
Manas (mind), Indriya (sensory organ), and Artha (subject) are defined as karana in Ayurveda. The Atma is considered to be Karta of Manas (mind), Indriya (sensory organs), and Artha (subject). The Atma is a constant, cannot be manifested, unchanged and above all, eternal. The Atma with the help of Manas (mind), Indriya (sensory organs) and Artha (subject) succeeds in achieving knowledge.
Different Jeevatama prevails in different bodies. Further, Jeevatama is considered to be eternal and pervading. Jeevatama, normally frames its own goals. Jeevatama is considered to be lesser energetic in comparison to the Atma. Jeevatama has a peculiar and unbreakable bond with Manas (mind), Indriya (sensory organs) and Artha (subject), and they are medium to acquire knowledge. Jeevatama has constant relation with desire, jealousy and so on.
Paramatma is considered to be superior among the all souls
- Paramatma is the ultimate power of creation.
- Paramatma is the most energetic.
- Paramatma does not born or die.
- Paramatma is an apex source of knowledge.